Rain Garden Rebate Program

Install a rain garden on your residential property, and you may be eligible for a rebate of up to $625 for plants and other landscaping supplies.

How It Works

  1. View our Rain Garden Rebate Brochure to view program details.
  2. Complete our residential rain garden workshop in person or online. Our in-person Workshop has already taken place for 2024. Contact raingardens@ecosuperior.org for online workshop details.
  3. Fill out the Rain Garden Rebate application form and submit by letter mail or email. EcoSuperior will then contact you to schedule a rain garden site visit to approve the project prior to installation and to answer related questions including plant choices and design. Our staff will also take "before" photos during the visit. 
  4. If approved, install your rain garden.
    Must be on a residential property within the City of Thunder Bay.
  5. After completion, book a follow-up rain garden site visit with EcoSuperior.
    Original receipts must be submitted to receive a reimbursement of up to $625
  6. Let us know what you think!
    Fill out our online program evaluation survey. 


Which Expenses Are Eligible for the Rain Garden Rebate?

  • Perennial flowers, grasses, shrubs and other plants (at least 50% must be native species or cultivars)
  • Soil amendments (sand, compost, low-clay topsoil)
  • Gravel, rock
  • Edging (flagstone or other pavers, metal, plastic)
  • Other pre-approved expenses

For more information, contact raingardens@ecosuperior.org!


The Residential Rain Garden Rebate Program is funded by the City of Thunder Bay Infrastructure and Operations department and delivered by EcoSuperior


rain garden thunder bay yard rebate program

What is a Rain Garden?

A rain garden is a landscaped depression that will soak up rainwater runoff from the roof of a house, garage, or another hard surface like a parking area. The rainwater is captured and filtered through the soil instead of flowing into nearby storm drains, which drain to our local streams. Rain gardens are often planted with wildflowers or other perennial species, providing habitat for birds and insects.

Rain gardens absorb rainwater, and can help:

  • recharge groundwater
  • protect neighbourhoods from localized flooding and drainage problems
  • keep streams clean by reducing the volume of polluted stormwater discharged from storm drains



Looking for inspiration to create your rain garden?
Visit our Facebook gallery for more rain gardens in Thunder Bay.